Sunday, March 6, 2011

Early Concepts for Week 2

The final word I came to during my stream of consciousness regarding the fourth dimension in the form of the online world and the multiplicity of implications surrounding this alternate world, was INTEGRITY. This word seems quite poignant and continues to influential with concepts I have been thinking about for our photography session in the next two weeks. It is furthermore, a theme that could resonate throughout the body of work.

In relation to integrity within photography I conveniently came across this in the week 2 outline: 'Photography changed the way we viewed art...The photograph was something to be believed, it was a moment frozen in time, an unquestionable product of authenticity. Now in the time of digital photography we are questioning our belief of mediated vision as gospel'. With the advent of digital photography and editing tools, the notion that a photograph is an exact replica of an instant in time, can no longer be held to be true. This is an interesting development in considering the integrity, value, manipulation and authenticity of digital photographic mediums.

I received a a forward email some time ago titled: 'When graphic designers get bored'. Bellow are some of the images from the email that encapsulate the possible extent of image manipulation:

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