Sunday, February 27, 2011

WEEK 1 - Stream of Consciousness Regarding the Fourth Dimension

What is the 'FOURTH DIMENSION'? - ...cyberspace... - virtual reality: online/offline identity, creation and projection, blatant/compulsive consumption... - ...WHAT IS REAL?... - ...both?... - ...VIRTUAL VOICE: everyone has a voice therefore no one has a voice - OVER SATURATION - degradation of individual impact as a collective digital presence, a result of minimal differentiation... - ...VIABILITY OF LEGITIMATE VIRTUAL CREATIVE PRESENCE: Flickr=everyone's a photographer, Blogs=everyone's a writer... - ...Quality V's Quantity: Mass production, degradation of art as sacred, changing notions of the age old question 'WHAT IS ART'?... - ...DIGITALISATION OF ART: manipulation of the raw form... - ...INTEGRITY?...